
Metrology is the science of measuring. It defines the principles and methods allowing to guarantee the confidence in measurements. To that aim, it develops and ensures that national reference standards are maintained, recognized internationally and allowing industry to reference their measuring instruments to the International System of Units (SI). (see:

It is a transversal science that applies in all areas where quantitative measurements are carried out, relating to both fundamental issues and applications concerning everything that is measured. This is the reason why, even if we restrict ourselves to those for which electromagnetic waves play a role, we are dealing here with a multiplicity of subjects. This largely motivates the choice made for this URSI-France workshop 2025 (JS 25) of the following topics:

  • Quantum clocks, oscillators, time scales and time-frequency dissemination
  • Quantum metrology and detection, fundamental electrical metrology
  • Electromagnetic and optical sensors
  • High frequency measurements, calibration tools and methods
  • Antenna measurements: techniques, instruments, dynamics, resolution and uncertainties
  • Electromagnetic dosimetry and exposimetry
  • Electromagnetic localization, radar
  • Electromagnetic measurements of biological objects, diagnostics and bio-detection
  • Electromagnetic characterization of materials, non-destructive measurements
  • Indirect and multiphysics measurements
  • Quantification and control of uncertainties, modeling

The workshop will be structured around keynote and invited communications, and oral and poster sessions, with the aim of allowing a fruitful meeting between young scientists, experienced researchers and industry players, participants or exhibitors.

The program will include an open session, allowing young scientists to present work on any subject relating to radioscience.

Furthermore, the URSI policy of supporting the participation of women in radioscience strongly encourages them to make their work visible within the framework of JS 25 workshop.

See the call for communications - submission deadline: February 12, 2025 

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